After 22days voting period,
Platoon C, most I like Sq Leader poll has closed.
The Most I like Squad Leader has won by two Squad Leaders:
1. L/cpl. Boey Ying Yan from Sq Discipline
2. L/cpl. Yeo Jia Jie from Sq Fantastic
congratulation to them and all squad leaders,
let's pray for them that,
God will grant them wisdom and strengh to work hard in order to bring
Platoon C to another Climax.
This is just a poll, So, other Sq Leaders, do not be discourage,
try harder, maybe in second round of poll you will get it!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Boys and Girls,
Lets' hold our hand together to work hard in two current major events:
1. Inter-platoon Drill Competition
2. BB Month 2008
this two events were one of the most successful events we had last year,
so lets' together to work hard to GLoriFy God's name!
oNlY tHe BesT noThinG LesS PLatOon C WilL RisE aGaiN!God Bless :)