Sunday, 28 June 2009

BB month sales

On 27th Jun,we have making cookies for bb month sell

Ooo,what re they doing???So mysterious.

Mr Kumar made the Cornflakes himself.

L/cpl Qiu Hong used 'violence' to the cornflakes !!!

The cornflakes was finished packing.

We also did cookies for sales

the first try of making cookies (although failure but it is so cute)
the successful product ^^ wow..looked tasty~~wanna try some??
Our 'shifu'.she taught us making the cookies.

Aunty was teaching our pretty member to make the cookies

aunty yanxing was washing tableware

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Badge camp platoon c 2009

On 30th to 31st of May,platoonc had organised a badge camp in smk skudai.
In this badge camp ,we had gained art badge,our dearest teacher is Cpl Heng Hui Chin .She taught us to make a sunny doll(qingtianwawa).
The first aid class was taught by Mdm Jessalynn.Through her teaching,we learnt cpr,treatment of burn & scalp ,and so on.While the junior was learning first aid basic,the senior were busy on gathering informations on advanced first aid level.
At night, a communication class was led by Mr .Soon .We had learnt phonetic Alphabets,morse code,internet....

The next day ,the citizenship class was organized.Teacher~~staff-sergeant in first jb-----S/Sgt Tan Chan Yong was being angry when teaching us~~haha..joking..

Hope every member who took part in the badge camp had learnt something useful and pass all the test.

all the sunny doll were made by platoon c members.

the most hairy qingtianwawa
