Thursday 19 June 2008

Date : 30/5--4/6 / 2008


Event : PESTA KK'2008 !!!!!

One of our famous events in BB , pesta was over almost 2 weeks already..
But~~~very sorry....
I haven't informed that our guys got many awards in the pesta!!!
it's the time i tell you about the that 1st JB Company glories....

Drill Competition Champion!!!

Best Commander 1st runner up!!!

Singing Competition 2nd runner up!!!

Let's see some photo which not in the competition...
17 girls and 1 boy take a good photo '' at....
' HONGKOD*KOISAAN* ' rise up your hand!!!
World record!!! so many people play the bamboo dance together!!!
Captain:'' all my dear guys, present a good
performance on the stage!!!! I believe you
all sure can do it perfectly!!! Just enjoy it!!
''Wow!! the wind is so strong!!!
Our hair~~~~ cool!!! ''

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