Good news! Good news!!
Today, our officer has commended that
our attendance today was not bad o!!!
Haha^.^ good good good~~~
So, we have to keep it up ya~
Don't let the figure drop but increase..
Our activities today was quite interesting,
Other than drill and the bagde classes,
We have played some games with recruits
To enhance the relationship between seniors and recruits.
Everyone was gathering according to their group.
Game master was explaing the games to the group leaders.
The first game, "two person three legs"......

o!! Be careful ya.. Don't burst the ballon o...
WAh!! What's that??
It's a love shape in Sim Jia Hui's hands wo~~~wakaka..
This was the most difficult game..Because this game needed
Intelligence + Math Knowledge + Cooperation between members
To complete it.
"Shoot the pail but not me a!!" haha^^ #That's all for today#
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