Happy birthday ya~ Wish your stomach become smaller soon~ haha ^^GOOD LUCK (L/Cpl Tang Hui Ying)
Hi Mr Kumar, happy birthday to you! Wish you have a year with full of success and happiness. God bless! (L/Cpl Linda Foo)
Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! Selamat Hari Jadi! May your wish come true ya.. ^^ (L/Cpl Loi Zhi Qing)
Blessed Birthday. Shine for God. (Inst Koh Kelvin)
Happy Birthday! (L/Cpl Gan Keh Ying)
Mr Kumar, happy birthday o. Wish you happy, happy and happy forever.. Take care ya ^^ (Cpl Teh Chia Wen)
Happy bufday sir.. Thanks for leading our platoon.. Although we thought you are fierce in the beginning but actually you're 'nice' to us.. Haha (Cpl Choo Sy Miin)
Happy birthday mie.. Hope you can be more healthy..(Cpl Yong Jing Wen)
Hey, Mr Kumar, happy birthday yo.. May your wish come true ^^ wish you can be more handsome oh.. haha (L/Cpl Swee Chia Yin)
Wish Mr Kumar happy always and chinese can be better, better and better. (Pte Chin Yee Ling)
Hapu barthday.. A man is not old as long as he is seeking for something. Wish best wishes for a happy birthday.. May you have many, many happy birthday.. Hipu Barthde.. Hapu always.. (L/Cpl Pang Chien Chien)
It is clear that God created you for a great purpose. May God bless you on your birthday and everyday in everyway. Praying that your day is as special as you are. Cheers! (WO Jessalynn)
Happy Birthday Mr Kumar! Wish you a happy and wonderful birthday. May God bless you and your family. :-D (WO Kao Meng)
Have a super duper great year! (WO Mervyn)
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